3 Responses

  1. Kide
    Kide at |

    hi balu, please try this method:

    1. Create a phone_number column which is Single Line of Text or Number type.
    2. Type this formula “=IF(LEN([phone_number])=10,TRUE,FALSE)” in Column Validation section, and type the validation message.

  2. subrahmanyam
    subrahmanyam at |

    Hi balu you can try this one it will match to your requirements
    =IF(LEN([phone_number])=10,ISNUMBER((TRUE,FALSE),FALSE) it will check length and entered chars or numeric or not

  3. venu
    venu at |


    Could someone please provide me the formula to accept only last 3 digits of the SSN and field should look something like this XXX-XX-X123. these characters should be standard XXX-XX-X and the end user should only be allowed to enter last 3 digits. I am on MOSS 2007 environment. Any help is greatly appreciated.

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