The SharePoint Conference 2012 this year will be held from November 12th to 15th, 2012 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Here is your chance to preview the up and coming new release of SharePoint 13 as well as have a chance to look into and discuss Office 365, within which you will find SharePoint 365. Don’t gamble away your chance of gaining insight and information on the product you use most. As well, you will learn about exciting companies out there that produce some terrific add-ons and new technologies that will aid you in enhancing and streamlining your workload. If you missed last year’s conference then you surely do not want to miss this year. To get you started the conference webpage is full of information to get you started on registration and hotel booking and you will be up and running in minutes and ready to attend this year’s exciting SharePoint Conference 2012.
Last year BoostSolutions marked the 10th Anniversary of SharePoint at the SharePoint Conference 2011 which took place in Anaheim, California in October 2011. The sold out event was a roaring success seeing upward of 8000 people in attendance. SharePoint Boost hosted a number of events and introduced the participants to not only its large range of products, but also to a bit of Chinese culture and fun.
If you missed the last conference, do not fret for this year’s conference is rumored to be much larger and with more revelations of new products. Here is why you need to go to SharePoint Conference 2012: Compelling Keynote speakers with introductions from Microsoft Executives who will give you the inside scoop on the new SharePoint as well as the future products and development; Over 175 Breakout Sessions tailored to Developers, IT Pros, and End Users giving incite on how to better use SharePoint 2010 with instruction on the latest features and functionality of SharePoint; Community involvement where you can share, engage and network; Partner Technology Showcase where you can find information from SharePoint partners on products, add-ons, the latest technology etc.; and Professional development with hands-on lab environments and instructor-led lab scenarios.
If you are not in the North American area or have other commitments do not worry as there are other conferences that you can attend in Europe. Its best to act fast as the International SharePoint Conference was held in London in April 2012 and others will also come and go quickly. These conferences, like the North American ones, will also provide you with up to date information on SharePoint’s latest products as well as introduce you to a wide range of companies specializing in enhancing your base SharePoint program adapting and fine-tuning it to meet your companies specialized needs. The European SharePoint Conference will be held later than the one in Las Vegas, from February 4 to 7th 2013 in Copenhagen, Denmark, Europe.
If you are still unclear or need more information about the conference you can turn to the SharePoint Conference 2012 website or contact us at BoostSolutions directly and we will be more than happy to discuss how our products can meet your needs. Don’t wait as this year it is anticipated that between 6000-8000 people will attend the conference, so be quick to sign up for what will prove to be an amazing SharePoint Conference for 2012.