Understanding licenses can sometimes make you feel a little lost and confused.
Before you start pulling your hair out in frustration, take a step back and read this article to understand what licenses are offered from BoostSolutions.
BoostSolutions offers three types of licenses, Farm Licenses, Server Licenses and Site Collection Licenses. There is also one product exception to these licenses that will be discussed below.
Farm License
The first type of license is the Farm license. The Farm license can be used across any number of servers and site collections but is limited by the maximum number of end-users within each site collection. For example, if you purchase a farm license for 400 end-users then every site collection cannot exceed 400 end users.
Server License
The second type of license is the Server license. Each server license can only be used on one WFE server, but there is no limitation on the number of end-users. For example, if you have two WFE servers, one Index server and one APP server, then you will need two server licenses; one for each of your WFE servers.
Site Collection License
The third type of license is the Site Collection License. This license is used on only one site collection and, like the farm license, is limited to the number of end users.
If you or your company likes tinkering with things or are involved in development and testing, then BoostSolutions offers licenses for you. These licenses are similar to the above mentioned licenses, but are for your development, testing or non-production environments.
SharePoint Outlook Integration has a different licensing requirement in that it is licensed with Client Access Licenses (CALs). This means that you must have a CAL for every device (desktop, laptop, mobile phone, etc.) you want to use this product on.