How to Create a Cascading Drop-Down List in SharePoint 2013
Today I am going to show you how to create a cascading drop down list in SharePoint 2013. As we know, SharePoint has provided the capability to implement a cascading drop down list for forms out-of-the–box and it’s just a matter of configuration. You can follow the instructions in the article Implement Cascading Drop Down […]

How to install a farm solution, in 2010 and 2013 mode, for SharePoint 2013
The SharePoint 2013 Upgrade Model allows administrators to create true “SharePoint 2010 sites” instead of Visual Upgrade sites. This method is fundamentally different from Visual Upgrade in that there is actually a “14” root folder that is deployed and all SharePoint 2010 features and files are also deployed. SharePoint 2013 allows you to run your […]

How to Remove Missing WebPart during SharePoint Upgrade
If you are upgrading SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2010 and getting “MissingWebPart” error when using the Test-SPContentDatabase cmdlet in PowerShell, this tip will help you diagnose the issue.
Developing CustomTimerJobs
A custom timer job within SharePoint enables you to add a scheduled task to a SharePoint application. This blog post describes how to create and deploy Custom Timer Jobs. Creating Custom Timer Jobs Create a Custom Timer Job in SharePoint is very simple, you can declare a class which inherits from SPJobDefinition and overrides the […]

Using Developer Dashboard with SPMonitoredScope class
The Developer Dashboard is a new feature introduced in SharePoint 2010, it can provides additional performance and tracing information that can be used to debug and troubleshoot issues with page rendering time. How to Enable the Developer Dashboard Open a command window to the %ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\BIN directory and enter the following command. […]

Extend SharePoint Object Model with C# 3.0 Extension Methods
C# 3.0 and .Net Framework 3.5 in introduce several new features. One of them is extension methods. Extension methods enable you to “add” new methods to the existing types. Extension methods are a special kind of static methods, but they are called as same as the instance methods. In this blog I will show you […]