
SharePoint blog from SharePointBoost, news, product introductions, how-tos. Everything about SharePoint.


How to create site collections and webs in SharePoint 2013 with PowerShell

PowerShell is one kind of script language which is based on .NetFramwork and is used for automatic management. For any operation completed within the UI in the SharePoint platform; you can also use SharePoint PowerShell to do the same thing. Not only can this improve work efficiency, but also helps you to further your knowledge […]


Week in Review, July 29-August 2, 2013

Here is a glimpse of what was out there (news, new or updated products, apps, solutions, tips, etc.) for and about SharePoint for the week of July 29-August 2, 2013.   Microsoft releases Service Pack 2 Although this was last week’s news, this important announcement was important enough for you to know about. On July […]

Happy Birthday to BoostSolutions

Happy Birthday to BoostSolutions

BoostSolutions was born five years ago and we want everyone to celebrate with us. As part of our birthday celebrations we are giving away free add-ons and web-parts as well as giving you deep discounts on some of our great products. Our celebrations will last until August 19, 2013 and we will be giving away […]


Data Connector and SQL WHERE clause to filter data

This article will give you a basic understand of the SQL WHERE clause. This will come in handy when you are setting up BoostSolutions Data Connector and for those who want to do more with Data Connector. For those who are not familiar with SQL commands, a simple definition is necessary. SQL commands, which contain […]

Upcoming SharePoint Events for the rest of 2013

Upcoming SharePoint Events for the rest of 2013

Here are some upcoming SharePoint events that will be taking place for the rest of the year. You will find these events useful to help you harness the full potential of SharePoint; a place to discuss problems, possibilities and solutions for your SharePoint environment.   September SPS Columbus – September 14 SPS New Hampshire – […]


Introduction to SharePoint 2013 JavaScript Object Model

SharePoint 2013 Client Object Model is a set of libraries and classes with which you can consume SharePoint data through a specific object model that is a subset of the SharePoint Server Object Model. This figure shows the overall architecture of the Client Object Model. Object Model supports multiple platforms. In fact, you can use […]

not monopoly

SharePoint is not a Monopoly: Alternatives to SharePoint

We are all very familiar with SharePoint, but the big question is: Is there an alternative to SharePoint? For those already committed to SharePoint, of course you will not want to consider what else is out there, but it is nice to know what else is out there. For those who are sitting on the […]

How to add Sign in as Different User in SharePoint 2013

How to add Sign in as Different User in SharePoint 2013

Hi, guys, maybe you want to sign as another user to test, in Sharepoint 2007 and Sharepint 2010 we can do this easily, however, Sign as Different User interface is hidden by default in SharePoint ?2013. Next, I will introduce one way to show Sign as Different User interface. First, enter following path: C:\Program Files\Common […]