Oh No, Not Governance again!
If you ask anyone using SharePoint what is governance you can bet that they will all have a different answer for what governance is. But as we are using SharePoint we should consider what Microsoft has to say what governance is. According to Microsoft “governance is the set of policies, roles, responsibilities, and processes that […]
Microsoft Patch Tuesday fixes security vulnerabilities in SharePoint
Microsoft released Security Bulletin MS13-067 on Tuesday to fix ten vulnerabilities in SharePoint, one publicly disclosed and nine privately reported. According to Microsoft this update resolves severe vulnerabilities that could “allow remote code execution in the context of the W3WP service account if an attacker sends specially crafted content to the affected server.” The security […]
Using Alert Reminder Boost to Send a SharePoint Daily Summary
Alert Reminder Boost is a useful alert and reminder tool. Daily or weekly notification summaries can be sent using Alert Reminder Boost. Additionally, Alert Reminder Boost Version 3.0 gives you an easy to use user interface and stable performance. We use the following scenario to get familiar with the Alert Reminder Boost summary function. You […]
Visualizing SharePoint Data, Making great charts with SharePoint Business Charts
Need a new way to present information on SharePoint? Are you visual person and need to see SharePoint list information visually? Do you have a lot of data and want a great way to condense and analyze it? If you are nodding your head vigorously then you need to take a look at SharePoint Business […]
Week in Review, July 29-August 2, 2013
Here is a glimpse of what was out there (news, new or updated products, apps, solutions, tips, etc.) for and about SharePoint for the week of July 29-August 2, 2013. Microsoft releases Service Pack 2 Although this was last week’s news, this important announcement was important enough for you to know about. On July […]
Data Connector and SQL WHERE clause to filter data
This article will give you a basic understand of the SQL WHERE clause. This will come in handy when you are setting up BoostSolutions Data Connector and for those who want to do more with Data Connector. For those who are not familiar with SQL commands, a simple definition is necessary. SQL commands, which contain […]
Use Column/View Permission Lite to Manager your SharePoint Permissions
Assume that you have the following business requirements when using SharePoint: 1. you want sensitive or important information to be hidden not only in SharePoint view (new/edit/view item) form, but also in the version history; 2. you would like to export one list Column/View permission setting and import it to another list; 3. maybe you […]
How SharePoint Bulk Zip & Unzip makes moving and sending documents easy
In our last blog we looked at SharePoint Document Number Generator and how it easily made documents identifiable and classifiable. In this blog we will take a closer look at SharePoint Bulk Zip & Unzip (which can be purchased separately or found within our star product, SharePoint Classifier). Have you ever had to email […]