How to Use SharePoint 2010 Management Shell for Backup and Restore?
How do you backup and restore a site collection in SharePoint 2010? Usually, administrators are considered the only option, but in fact SharePoint 2010 also provides a relatively easy and convenient way to perform these operations with several simple PowerShell commands. When you are Backup and Restore a site collection, you are actually performing 3 […]

How to Create Mysite in SharePoint 2010
SharePoint My Sites should be thought of as a collaboration of dashboards – it’s a user’s window into all things SharePoint and all things both inside and outside the organization. It’s an aggregated view of activities, relationships, conversations, and communications. Using Facebook as the model of a personalized portal to the web… I can receive […]
How to Configure and Manage a mobile account (SharePoint Server 2010)?
This article discusses how to configure and manage a mobile account for Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 to enable users to subscribe to alerts that are sent by using Short Message Service (SMS). The alerts are sent to users’ mobile phones when changes are made to a SharePoint list or item.

Document ID in SharePoint Server 2010
Here’s a great post from Microsoft Enterprise Content Management(ECM) Team Bolg that talks about document ID in SharePoint Server 2010. Document ID Overview A common content management problem is documents getting moved to different locations and links no longer working. Another problem is submitting content to a repository and being able to find it at […]

How to Setup Load Balance in SharePoint 2010 Farm
As we know, in medium or large enterprise, there are two or three tires in SharePoint Farm, generally including three kinds server: Data server, App server, WFE server. WFE server is used to handle requests from customers, the frequent requests from a lot of users maybe bring out maximum load to WFE server, so it […]