Rough Explanation of Test Driven Development (TDD) in SharePoint
Background: Many teams use XP Agile Development. Test driven development (TDD) is a software development process that relies on the repetition of a very short development cycle. Write test code before developing feature will bring a stable and high quality architecture. MSTest is a nice unit test framework, and the Nunit is also a good […]
Getting Started with SharePoint Server 2010 and SharePoint Foundation 2010
You are new to Microsoft SharePoint and you want to know how to use it? Microsoft provides you books for download. They answer your basic questions in an introcuction and installation steps are described. Microsost recently added files in eReader formats. You can download the documents here: SharePoint Server 2010 SharePoint Foundation 2010 We here […]
Workflows in SharePoint
Workflows are a useful tool in SharePoint. Workflow help to automate actions, which otherwise have to be done manually. Microsoft describes workflows as: A series of tasks that produce an outcome. In the context of Microsoft SharePoint Products and Technologies, workflow is defined more narrowly as the automated movement of documents or items through a […]

What You Should Know About SharePoint 2010 SP1
Last Tuesday, Microsoft released Service Pack 1 (SP1) for SharePoint 2010. It contains a lot of important fixes that improve the SharePoint experience, performance, security etc. And include the following new features: Support for SQL Server Code Name “Denali” SP1 provides support for running SharePoint 2010 with SQL Server Code Name “Denali” in addition to […]
SharePoint 2010 SP1 Released
You may know already: last week the first service pack for SharePoint 2010 was released. It includes updates concerning stability, performance and security enhancements. Not sure how to deploy the service pack to your SharePoint 2010 farm? Please see this page of the Microsoft SharePoint team, it has detailed information, how to update your system.
Not Sure Who or What You’re Searching For?
So you have a new team member in your SharePoint team. But you’re not so sure what his/her name is. Fear not! Try a wild card search by substituting the unknown letter with an asterisk (*). It does not only work on users’ names. It also works with text or files on a site. […]
Deleting Stuff in SharePoint 2010
I’ve found a really useful site on Microsoft SharePoint website. It’s a new platform called IUseSharePoint. There are so much useful stuff that I’ve learned from SharePoint. Tips and tricks that I didn’t know until now. If you are deleting something in SharePoint 2010 and you do not see a message that states the deleted […]