Track and share ideas with your team
Stay on top with discussions, comments and brainstorming
Unlike SharePoint's 'Multiple lines of text' column, Discussion Column can append or record changes such as discussions, comments or brainstorming among users in list item without the need to enable versioning, making it easier to share information, follow up on changes or get advice.
It is possible to show all discussions in list view so that people can see details the moment they enter the list. You can also hide discussions from list view and check content via the 'View Entries' link.
End users have the flexibility to modify entries they previously submitted and also can delete their own entries when necessary; Administrator can delete all irrelevant and outdated entries from the Discussion column.
As discussions snowballs, Discussion details including the names of participants, time of discussion (in chronological order) as well as the discussion content can be exported to an Excel file for later reference.
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