Product Features
Required Validation - Check whether the user has entered or selected value
Regular Expression Validation - Check whether input value is against a regular expression
Range Validation - Check whether input value is between two fixed values
Compare Validation - Compare input value with a fixed value or others
Support custom error message
Supports standard and custom regular expressions
Supports selection of commonly-used operators such as Equal, Not Equal, Greater Than, Equals or
Greater Than, Less Than, Equal or Less Than, Date Type Check
List frequently-used regular expressions in setting pages
Support almost list columns, including Single line of text, Multiple lines of text, Number, Currency,
Date and Time, Choice, Person or Group, Hyperlink or Picture, Lookup
List all the columns available in a list and the validators applied to them
Supported Environments
Microsoft SharePoint Server 2007
Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services v3
Supported Browsers
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or later
Supported Languages