SharePoint Collection Column provides an easy way to view and manage related items in one SharePoint list, and is capable of calculations based on related items.
a. Open the list or library where you want to create a Collection Column. In the ribbon, click the List or Library tab. And click Create Column under the Manage Views group.
b. In the Name and Type section, select Collection Column and type in a column name.
c. In the Source List section, select the columns which you want to display in the current list from the source list.
You can set the columns as editable or view only in the current list. Once you set the columns as editable, any changes will be saved to the source list.
Note that, the view only columns will be shown before the editable columns in the form.
d. In the Calculated Column section, specify the expression name and the formula.
The expression name will be shown in the form as following:
You can design the formula using the columns of source list. Also, there are more functions and operators, which can do more complex calculations.
For more details about Formula, please refer to Condition documentation (advanced mode section)
If you want to save the results, select the checkbox before Save to source list, and select a column to store the result.
e. In the Total Settings section, select the Total type for the column and specify whether to save the total in the current list, and select one column to save the total.
Note that all selected columns in Source List section will be listed here.
And the total will be shown as following:
In the item edit form, you can create, edit or delete related items as following:
Note that any changes will be saved to the source list.
In the list view, click the link of Collection Column, and you will enter the Collection Column page.
The collection column page will show details as following: