
Languages Supported: English, Japanese, German

Version Supported Server Languages Release Date

SharePoint Server Subscription Edition

SharePoint 2019

SharePoint 2016

SharePoint 2013

English, Japanese, German

May 22, 2024


SharePoint 2013

SharePoint 2010

SharePoint 2007

English, Japanese, German, Simplified Chinese

Nov 8, 2013

System Requirements

For SharePoint Server Subscription Edition:

Operating System

Windows Server 2019 Standard or Datacenter

Windows Server 2022 Standard or Datacenter


SharePoint Release:

- Microsoft SharePoint Server Subscription Edition


Microsoft Edge

Mozilla Firefox

Google Chrome

For SharePoint 2019:

Operating System

Windows Server 2016 Standard or Datacenter

Windows Server 2019 Standard or Datacenter


SharePoint Release:

- Microsoft SharePoint Server 2019


Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 or greater

Microsoft Edge

Mozilla Firefox

Google Chrome

For SharePoint 2016:

Operating System

Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard or Datacenter X64

Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard or Datacenter


SharePoint Release:

- Microsoft SharePoint Server 2016

- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6


Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 or greater

Microsoft Edge

Mozilla Firefox

Google Chrome

For SharePoint 2013:

Operating System:

Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Standard or Datacenter X64

Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1


SharePoint Release:

- Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013 or Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013

- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5


Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 or greater

Microsoft Edge

Mozilla Firefox

Google Chrome

Release Notes

May 22, 2024

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed an issue that the emails were not sent within the time range in Daily and Weekly reminder.

- Fixed an issue that email was not sent on the set day of week in weekly reminder.

Jan 27, 2022

New Features:

- Support SharePoint Server Subscription Edition

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed an issue that the site collection URL could not be validated.

- Fixed an issue that Alert was triggered by DLP services to send emails repeatedly.

Jan 7, 2022

Bug Fixes:

- Failed to load resource in Alert/Reminder Item page in non-English SharePoint server.

- Sent the summary or reminder emails at the wrong time in daylight saving time.

- Failed to send reminder emails in some special SharePoint environment.

July 29, 2021

Bug Fixes:

- Update Japanese resources.

- Fixed the bug that datetime format was incorrect in the multiple lines of text column in email when the Append Change feature was enabled.


July 3, 2019

New Features:

- Support SharePoint 2019


May 24, 2018

Bug Fixes:

- Failed to send email when invalid square brackets are contained in alert settings.

- Bug fixed that sending multiple alert emails when an alert item is set in a Wiki Page library.

- Failed to save multiple email addresses and showed JavaScript error.

- If recipients contain SharePoint Group, fail to send emails when an non Site Collection administrator trigger the alert item.


Sep 18, 2016

New Features:

- Support SharePoint 2016


May 31, 2016

Bug Fixes:

- Show incorrect value in email when Display Name is same as Internal Name of different columns.

- Fail to send test email when configure custom SMTP Settings.

- Reduce CPU usage when running jobs on web application which contains large amount of site collections.

New Features:

- Keep value format of rich text column when Append Changes to Existing Text option is enabled.

Jan 11, 2016

Bug Fixes:

- Time range error occurs after setting special locale.

- Not receive email after upload file by a non-system account to library which contains required field that not set default value.

- Filter out duplicate items in summary alert.

New Features:

- Show metadata column value in alert email.


May 26, 2014

New Features:

- Users can insert a [Document Link] constant in an email body.

Feb 20, 2014

New Features:

- It will not send daily summary if there is no change on the list or library.

Jan 20, 2014

New Features:

- Provide a central page to manage all the Alert Reminder Items on the current site or site collection.

- Add the following constants: Folder Title, Folder Absolute URL, Folder Hyperlink.


Jan 2, 2014

New Features:

- Supports Distribute emails.

- Supports to add custom attachment.


Nov 20, 2013

New Features:

- Keep Alert Reminder Boost settings when saving list/site templates.

Bug Fixes:

- Send attachment when the option "Send item attachments as attachments in the notification e-mail. " is not selected.

-Cannot send email if the email address contains "+".

-An error occurs when creating alert/reminder item for the first time if the web application pool account does not have sufficient permissions.


Sep 23, 2013

Bug Fixes:

- Value is incorrect in notification email when column name contains “.”.


Sep 13, 2013

New Features:

- Supports German, Japanese


Aug 28, 2013

New Features:

- Optimized product architecture (no more workflow)

- Enhanced stability in triggering alert/reminder

- Improved performance during data concurrency and processing

- Upgraded built-in Condition

- Provides a central page to manage Alert Reminder settings

- Optimized import and export functions


Nov 8, 2013

Bugs Fixed:

- Cannot receive emails if Email address contains character '+'.


Jun 18, 2013

Bugs Fixed:

- Fail to send emails occasionally.


May 13, 2013

New Features:

- Company brand updated.


Apr 11, 2013

Bugs fixed:

- Reminder settings of monthly recurrence is wrong.

- External links not working correctly.


Dec 25, 2012

New Features:

- Support SharePoint 2013


Aug 22, 2012

Bugs Fixed:

- User selects "To" in "Message View" part, then select external list, "Test" button in condition control does not work properly.

- Installer does not deploy ARB to CA by default.

Feb 21, 2012

New Features:

- Supports Simplified Chinese.

Bugs Fixed:

- Cannot import/export settings when updating from version 1.x;

- Cannot access "Send To" users in the German version;

- Occasionally cannot save the settings.


Nov 22, 2010

New Features:

- Supports German.


Nov 8, 2010

New Features:

- Send notifications via SMS;

- Send daily and weekly notification summaries;

- Customizable alternative access mappings for item URL;

- Send notifications to users in external list columns;

- Exclude users from receiving notifications;

- Inform users prior to sending notifications.


Aug 2, 2010

New Features:

- Announced compatibility with SharePoint 2010.


Jul 13, 2010

New Features:

- Server License is available.

Jan 28, 2010

Licensing module upgraded.


Oct 26, 2009

New Features:

- Add an option that enables users to "Start workflow for all the items".

Bugs Fixed:

- The workflow would still be triggered when [Multiple lines of text]=="", even though the alert condition was set to be [multiple line text]!="";

- IsChanged function could not work properly when choosing "Calculated" column;

- If users choose to "Exit workflow after this email sent", the contents modified would not be highlighted in the email;

- When "Exit workflow after this email sent" being selected, two emails would be sent to users with different workflow status ("In progress" and "Completed" respectively).


Aug 21, 2009

Licensing module upgraded.


Aug 6, 2009

Bugs Fixed:

- Users enable to select the contents in Lookup Column or Choice Column as email address;

- Allowing automatically removing duplicated email addresses in email titles (case-insensitive);

- Able to highlight the Name Column in email body if it is changed;

- Resolved the error: the style of contents in Multiple Line Text Column in email is not the same as it is in SharePoint environment;

- Enabling to display columns containing email addresses only when users sending, CC or BCC emails.


May 22, 2009

Licensing module upgraded.


Mar 24, 2009

New Features:

- Allow users to add a link to a document in an email, if the workflow associates with a document library.

Bugs Fixed:

- If the list has no mobile view, the mobile view’s url will not be displayed in an email;

- If the list isn't a document library, the Name column will not display in neither alert part nor email.

Jan 20, 2009

New Features:

- Allow customization on whether columns being displayed in an alert email or not, as well as the display order;

- Include mobile link in alert email so that users can directly click the link to view/edit the item with mobile services.

Bugs Fixed:

- Emails cannot be sent when the subjects contain newline character;

- Some bugs with recurrence event reminder.


Dec 5, 2008

New Features:

- Availability of farm license;

- Support reminding recurrence events.

Oct 15, 2008

Bug Fixes:

- Column information in the alert email is not the same as it being in display form.

Oct 10, 2008

New Features:

- Send alert or reminder emails to AD users or groups who are not in the current site.

Bug Fixes:

- Performance enhancement by reducing the workflow histories that can be saved.

Sep 28, 2008

New Features:

- Add function "IsChanged" to condition expression to examine if the content of specified column has been changed or not when workflow is activated on that item;

- Warn and refuse submitting when SharePoint outgoing email server or custom SMTP server is not appointed.

Sep 16, 2008

Bug Fixes:

- Resolved the error which happened when inserting image into a new item, but saving it unsuccessfully for certain reason, such as the title is empty.

Sep 11, 2008

Bug Fixes:

- Date and time field does not display correctly in the email content.

Aug 18, 2008

New Features:

- Allow users to "Exit workflow after email being sent";

- Add "alert condition help link" and "function help tip";

- Enable all workflow to associate when activating workflow feature.

Jul 16, 2008

Bug Fixes:

- Send item attachments as attachments in Alert email depending on if users choose to do this.

Jun 27, 2008

Initial Release
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